Louisville Sports Chiropractic


Louisville Sport and Spine is here to help families and athletes with their chiropractic and rehab needs. Your health and comfort are our top priority and we make sure to reach your healthcare goals.

Dr. Courtney is looking forward to helping you achieve your true wellness potential.


“I’m here to help you train harder, go the distance, and stay in the game” -Dr. Courtney Wells



Webster Technique

Pregnancy can bring on aches and pains. With the Webster technique and utilizing other skills, we can identify the dysfunction and pregnancy can be more comfortable for the mother and baby.

Following birth, Dr. Courtney will be able to start post-natal care for mom and baby.

Myofascial Release Techniques

Our Release Technique is a manual-based muscle therapy technique. It is used to treat issues with muscles, ligaments, nerves, tendons, and fascia. Repetitive overuse injuries such as tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, IT band syndrome, shin splints, and low back pain have been shown to be treated effectively with these treatments.

Dry Needling

Dry needling is primarily focused on the reduction of pain and restoration of function through the release of myofascial trigger points in muscles.


Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA®)

Without a full range of motion and proper use of joints; our backs, necks, and joints become stiff and less mobile, leading to pain, greater loss of movement and dysfunction. SFMA, is a standardized assessment tool, defining and classifying movement problems and recommending appropriate treatment.

Joint Motion Palpation (MPI)

Motion Palpation evaluates joint motion as it is brought through movement. With palpation and motion, the joint dysfunction and restriction can be identified.


Functional Rehabilitation

Many of the aches and pains people experience are due to improper movement habits. With a thorough movement assessment, we can identify which plane of movement is dysfunctional and contributing to your pain. Functional rehabilitation is effective in reestablishing balance, stability, strength, coordination, and endurance.


Invest in Yourself

Louisville Sport and Spine is Louisville’s premier chiropractic provider here to help you function better through pregnancy, life, and sport. We are a family and sports medicine office that takes the patient as a whole into account with quality patient-specific chiropractic care. Our treatment is evidence-based, hands-on, and one-on-one with the Doctor. You can expect a detailed examination and assessment to uncover the cause of your pain or dysfunction.

Together we will come up with a personalized treatment plan to best fit your needs now and in the future.

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Conditions We Treat


Pain Presentations

Pre-Natal Pain
Post-Natal Pain
Infant Cranial Flatspots
 Neck Pain
Low Back Pain
Golfer's/Tennis Elbow
Jaw Pain 
Joint Pain

Disc Injuries
Balance Problems
Muscle Spasms 
Hip Pain

Post-Surgical Back Pain   
Sprains and Strains   
Overuse Injuries    
Difficulty Walking​

Shin Splints
Frozen Shoulder
Pinched Nerves
Shoulder Pain
Knee Pain

Medical Diagnoses

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Lip Tie Tension
Disc Herniation
Degenerative Joint Disease
Plantar Fasciitis

Rotator Cuff Syndrome
Failed Back Surgery
Impingement Syndromes

Piriformis Syndrome
Sciatic Nerve Pain
Adhesive Capsulitis
Degenerative Disc Disease

Lateral/Medial Epicondylitis
Regional Pain Syndrome
TMJ Disorder
Spinal Stenosis
Iliotibial Band Syndrome


Please understand this is not a comprehensive list of every condition we can treat and that not every condition is 100% treatable with chiropractic care. For conditions that are deemed unmanageable solely with conservative chiropractic care, Dr. Courtney will discuss with the patient other options and potentially refer to other trusted healthcare providers in the community for co-managment.

About Dr. Courtney

Following her Sports Medicine Residency, Dr. Wells decided to move closer to family and friends and open her practice in Louisville to bring quality chiropractic care to the families and athletes in the area.

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Book your one-on-one New Patient Appointment and see if our sports chiropractic care is right for you.